Начало Английски книги Комикси и графични новели Justice League by Scott Snyder Book One Deluxe Edition

Justice League by Scott Snyder Book One Deluxe Edition

Цена: 72.00лв.
  • Код:
  • Тегло:
    0.863 кг
Scott Snyder
  • Тип корица:
  • Страници:
  • Автор:
    Scott Snyder
  • Размер:
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The Justice League was forced to make an impossible decision...and now its time to face the consequences! The returning Martian Manhunter struggles to protect the team from an incoming threat that will shatter the world as they know it, while a familiar face strikes out on a dark path... Spinning out of the cataclysmic events of Dark Nights: Metal and the universe-defining No Justice, the core members of the Justice League--Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash and more--are finally reunited for an adventure for the ages! Justice League by Scott Snyder Book One Deluxe Edition collects issues #1-12 of Scott Snyder's world breaking run with the World's Greatest Superheroes! Joined by the superstar tag team of Jim Cheung (Spider-Men, Avengers vs. X-Men) and Jorge Jimenez (Super Sons, Justice League: No Justice) they kick off a new era that will change the DC Universe forever!

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