Home English Books Comics and graphic novels Fantastic Four by Dan Slott Vol. 2

Fantastic Four by Dan Slott Vol. 2

Price: $16.04
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    0.204 Kgs
Dan Slott
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  • Author:
    Dan Slott
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It's the wedding that's been years in the making - and you're all invited! Finally, Ben and Alicia say 'I do!' No bait. No switch. Not a dream. Not a hoax. And we swear, not a single Skrull around. This is really happening! From the book that brought you the first, best and longest running super hero marriage in comics, we give you...the wedding of the Thing and Alicia Masters! Featuring an untold tale of the courtship of Ben and Alicia. A bachelor party that only Johnny Storm could throw. A bachelorette party featuring the She-Hulk, Medusa, Crystal and more. An unexpected meeting between the Thing and his future father-in-law, the Puppet Master! And, of course, a very special ceremony brought to you in the Mighty Marvel Manner!