Home English Books Children's books Why Your Parents Are Driving You Up the Wall and What To Do About It

Why Your Parents Are Driving You Up the Wall and What To Do About It

Price: $10.88
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    0.269 Kgs
Dean Burnett
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  • Author:
    Dean Burnett
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An irreverent and empowering guide to help teens improve their relationship with their parents and minimise stress by neuroscientist and internationally bestselling author, Dean Burnett.

Get up or you'll miss the best part of the day!
You treat this place like a hotel.
Can you just put that phone down for one minute?!

Has something gone wrong with your parents?

There are hundreds of books for parents about how to deal with their teenagers. For the first time, neuroscientist and international bestselling author, Dean Burnett has written a book for YOU to understand just what on earth is going on. From why parents are obsessed with tidiness, to why they won't let you get enough sleep and generally why they don't seem to get anything, this guide covers all the major parental dramas.

imagine what you'd be capable of if you weren't wasting all that time and energy arguing about tidying your room.