Devils` Line, 3

Price: $12.75
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.182 Kgs
Ryo Hanada
  • Bookbinding:
  • Pages:
  • Author:
    Ryo Hanada
  • Dimensions:
    12,7 x 17,7 cm
  • Publication date:
  • Language:


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A modern dark fantasy tale set in a world full of vampires and vampire hunters full of romance, hope and action that pops off the page through the wonderful art of a debut artist.
Anzai grapples with Lee's bombshell—that drinking human blood can have regenerative, strengthening powers on devil bodies—and Lee offers to share what he knows if Anzai's comrades hide him away. Meanwhile, Zero Seven, the sniper, faces the consequences of her rebellion as Zero Two works to tie up loose ends from the Ikebukuro incident, and reveals that he has an old connection to Anzai...