Home English Books Comics and graphic novels The Flash Vol. 1: Move Forward (The New 52)

The Flash Vol. 1: Move Forward (The New 52)

Price: $15.92
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.340 Kgs
Francis Manapul, Brian Buccellato
  • Bookbinding:
  • Pages:
  • Author:
    Francis Manapul, Brian Buccellato
  • Dimensions:
    16,8 x 25,8 cm
  • Publication date:
  • Language:


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THE FLASH Vol. 1, marks the debut of red hot artist Francis Manapul as both writer and artist on The Flash!
Struck by a bolt of lightning and doused in chemicals, Central City Police scientist Barry Allen was transformed into the fastest man alive. Tapping into the energy field called The Speed Force, he applies a tenacious sense of justice to protect an serve the world as The Flash!
The Fastest Man Alive returns to his own monthly series as part of the DC Comics—The New 52 event with the writer/artist team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato. The Flash knows he can't be everywhere at once, but he has seemingly met his match when he faces DC Comic' hottest new Super Villain, Mob Rule, who really can be everywhere at once!

As Mob Rule wages a campaign of crime across Central City, including an electromagnetic blast that plunges the city into darkness, The Flash learns the the only way he can capture Mob Rule and save Central City is to learn how to make his brain function even faster than before—but as much as it helps him, it also comes with a steep price.

This volume collects issues 1-8 of the monthly series.