Home English Books Tarot Minchaite Fiorentine: Firenze 1860 Ca

Minchaite Fiorentine: Firenze 1860 Ca

Price: $38.33
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    0.300 Kgs
Giordano Berti
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  • Author:
    Giordano Berti
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97 full colour cards & 32pp guidebook The Anima Antiqua line carries on its archeological quest by unearthing another rare gem of Tarot history: this peculiar Tarot, printed in Tuscany around the year 1860, represents a unique example of the Minchiate tradition, a typical Florentine deck of 97 cards in which the Trumps are expanded by the addition of Prudence, the Three Theological Virtues, the Four Elements, and the Twelve Astrological Signs, with the removal of the High Priestess―or, as it was often called in these kinds of decks, the Popess. All Major Arcana are numbered with Roman numerals (a customary practice in those years) and the dotted frames imitate the traditional Italian flapped edges. As any other pro- duct of the Anima Antiqua line, this too is available in a limited edition of 3999 copies only.