Home English Books Tarot Kali Oracle - Ferocious Grace and Supreme Protection with the Wild Divine Mother

Kali Oracle - Ferocious Grace and Supreme Protection with the Wild Divine Mother

Price: $26.56
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  • Weight:
    0.420 Kgs
Alana Fairchild, Jimmy Manton
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  • Author:
    Alana Fairchild, Jimmy Manton
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Use these cards to share sacred space with the goddess Kali in her many forms as you directly experience her transformative grace and alchemical power. With the empowering insight of bestselling Alana Fairchild and the striking imagery of Jimmy Manton, this unique oracle set is an offering of guidance, clarity, and healing that invokes unconditional love, divine blessing, and authentic spiritual unfoldment. Be held in the glory of her being and behold your destiny as you dance, revel, and rejoice in the presence of the Great Mother.