Home English Books Mind, body & spirit Know Thyself The New Science of Self-Awareness B

Know Thyself The New Science of Self-Awareness B

Price: $13.92
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    0.220 Kgs
Stephen M Fleming
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  • Author:
    Stephen M Fleming
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How do you know when you've studied enough to pass an exam?

Should you accept the testimony of an eyewitness?

How do you know when to trust a doctor's orders?

The answer is self awareness.

Self awareness is humans' greatest superpower. Like the conductor of an orchestra, self awareness guides the musicians of the mind - memory, creativity, intelligence and skill - to perform at their best. So why do we so often get it wrong?

Drawing on his own pioneering studies, as well as cutting-edge research in computer science, psychology and evolutionary biology, Stephen Fleming shows how we can learn from this groundbreaking new science, and gain the edge in a rapidly changing world.