Home English Books Comics and graphic novels Hellblazer Rise and Fall

Hellblazer Rise and Fall

Price: $23.42
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.675 Kgs
Taylor, Tom
  • Bookbinding:
    Hard cover
  • Pages:
  • Author:
    Taylor, Tom
  • Dimensions:
  • Publication date:
  • Language:


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At 12 years old, John Constantine and his friends try and fail to summon something. Truth be told, they have no idea what they re doing on the riverbed on the outskirts of town. They re just messing with what they ve been told not to mess with, and that s enough for John. Witness the adolescence of John Constantine, a rebellious and clueless kid who unwittingly unleashes a demon. A demon who haunts a nation 30 years later by selling the irredeemable one percent on a scam to get into heaven, one that causes evil men with angel wings to fall from the sky. Will John stop this demon from obtaining more empires and ruining the world as we know it? Will he be happy to let a few more rich bastards fall first, like a vindictive Robin Hood? Or will sacrifices need to be made?