Sweat and Soap 2

Price: $12.19
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  • Weight:
    0.227 Kgs
Kintetsu Yamada
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  • Author:
    Kintetsu Yamada
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In an office romance, there's a fine line between sexy and awkward... and that line is where Asako -- a woman who sweats copiusly -- met Koutarou -- a perfume developer who can't get enough of Asako's, er, scent. Don't miss a romcom manga like no other! ON THEIR SCENT Asako Yaeshima and Kotaro Natori's scent-sual relationship is going well, though they've decided to keep it a secret from their coworkers for now. However, Kotaro's prote´ge´, Korisu Ichise, can sense something's going on between the two of them... but what? And when Asako tells her family about her new beau, her brother decides Kotaro needs to be put to the test. Because a playboy like Kotaro must spell doom for his sister... right?