Home English Books Comics and graphic novels War Of The Realm The Punisher

War Of The Realm The Punisher

Price: $15.92
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    0.159 Kgs
Gerry Duggan
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  • Author:
    Gerry Duggan
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Frank Castle: Avenger of Midgard The War of the Realms has brought monsters and mayhem to the streets of New York City, but New York has a homegrown nightmare all its own - the Punisher And he'll be damned to Hel if he's going to let a bunch of Ten Realms tin-pot tyrants terrorize his town. But given that he's just one man against an army of elves, giants, creatures and more, Hel might soon have him despite his best efforts The War of Realms is about to meet Marvel's one-man army. Swords and steel will meet bullets, bombs, grit and guts.